Tip Tuesday

Making a meal plan or menu plan is a great help.  The plan lets your family know what to eat and what to look forward to.  Since it is a 'plan' you know what to buy at the store!  You just make your grocery list accordingly.  I like having the plan posted in my kitchen to remind me to defrost the meat!  Do you make meal/menu plans? Please share an example of a plan!

I know people that eat the same things over and over and over.  I don't know if they don't know how to make anything else or lack the creativity to whip up and try new and exciting dishes.  I have plenty of recipe books to look through for inspiration.  Pinterest is certianly enticing with all their lovely photos of things to make!  I have a "I'm a foodie" board.  See: http://pinterest.com/mya922/

Today's tip: Need inspiration?  Look through your child's school Lunch Menu for ideas!
Pick and choose through all the healthy ideas to create your own menu.  The guess work for choosing sides is already done for you.  ~Awesome~ 
Here are a couple of examples:

Teriyaki Chicken
Brown Rice
Roasted Broccoli and Peppers
Fresh Fruit

Chicken Pot Pie
Wheat Roll
Sliced Peaches

Find something you don't know how to make or want to mix up how you usually make it? You can search Kitchen Notes for the dishes, look in cookbooks, Google it, or Pinterest search it..

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