Looking for something to do with all those pecans you picked and cracked open? My Grandma decorates frosted cakes with them. I always loved going to Grandma's house as a kid and sitting out in her backyard cracking and eating pecans. Our first house that my husband and I bought was in a tiny town that had tons of pecan trees. We to would sit out on the deck and eat 'em. We live in a different tiny town now and we went down to a local pecan farm and bought 2 pecan trees to have in our yard.
By the way I say "pick-ons" not 'pea-cans.' How do you say it?
How do you use your pecans? I use 'em in homemade pies and I use 'em to coat the outside of a cheeseball. Texas Pecan Cheeseball makes a great appetizer paired with some crackers or crunchy breadsticks.
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