My friends and family love sharing with me how much they saved on something due to coupons. I love helping people get started on their couponing adventures. I've even given friends their own organizer or binder to start them off and (of course) I give them the coupons I won't use. Whenever someone asks how I coupon I use Walgreens as my example. Anyone can see drugstores are overpriced for everyday items. But not everyone knows how big you can score with coupons and sales they have.
Here's a quick tutorial on how I coupon at Walgreens:
I generally know how much items cost before going into any store, therefore, I know when something is a good deal. I also know how much I'm willing to pay!!
Walgreens has a weekly ad/circular in the Sunday's also in the store. Each month Walgreens has an in store coupon booklet located by the circulars in the store. There is not 1, not 2 but 3!! ways to save with coupons. #3 being manufacture coupons. Now that you know where to get coupons, you now need to know you can use all 3 at once! Using more than one coupon for one item is called "stacking." You can sometimes get items free or for less than a buck doing this.
What's great about Walgreens ads is the little red boxes that say "Coupon Savings in most Sunday Papers." That will help out coupon newbies. I am a little nutty and remember what items I have coupons for in my coupon binder. My nutty-ness helps me spot those good deals faster.
The ads also spell it out for you if you use their in store coupons. Example: This last Sunday's ad says Mucinex Fast-Max 6oz.
Sale price $9.99 - In store coupon $1 = Final Price $8.99
Register Rewards is free money for your next trip for buying specific products. For example, this last Sunday's ad says Carmex Moisterizing Lip Balm .15oz Lime Twist or Vanilla
Sale price $1.50 - Register Rewards $1.50 = Like getting purchase FREE!
After your receipt prints, there will be a coupon for $1.50 to use next time you come into Walgreens. They expire somewhat soon so don't toss that free money away!
For the love of a good deal!! Please check out the clearance section before venturing into the store for your list of items. There have been times I picked up items for next to nothing that's with or without coupons!
Noticed how I mentioned a list? You do not want to shop off your list when at Walgreens unless of course it's a deal too good to pass up..such as the clearance section. Also, make sure your list is detailed! If you have a coupon for a 20oz soda make sure you write down that ounce size. If you have a coupon for the lavender scent laundry soap write that down. You don't want to be at the register when you realize that coupon won't work because you didn't pick up the correct product.
Well, I hope these tidbits help you. If you can scope out the deals at Walgreens you can scope out the deals anywhere.
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